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Our Key Persons .

We owe our success to the excellent team that together drives us forward. The passion and unity that defines Analytix is a reflection of their commitment, professional integrity and hunger for success.

Shiju S Pillai

Founder & Senior Business Consultant 


Nishad Abdu Rahiman

Business Incorporation Specialist 


Senior Business Consultant

Fayez Koya

Business Development Manager

Abdul Kareem

General Manager - Administration


Director & Co-Founder of Analytix Tax consultants

Akhil Raj

CEO & Co-Founder Analytix Oman


CEO at Analytix Technology

CMA Jasim

CEO & Co-Founder Analytix Qatar

Mohamed Afnas

CEO Analytix Management Consulting

Sayed Khizhar

CEO Analytix Accounting Consulting

Jeny Paul
